Friday 31 August 2012

Planes, trains and automobiles.

Quick math quiz for you. If a flight from London to Auckland via Vancouver costs £800, Why does a flight from London to Vancouver cost £900? Also, Why is a London to Auckland return even cheaper at £750? The mind boggles.

Such is the trials I went through in attempting to book passage home. Long story short, For around half the cost I get home via a meandering route which gives me a day in each on Reykjavik, Seattle and Vancouver. Interestingly, I arrive in Seattle 15 minutes before I leave Reykjavik. Yet somehow the flight from Vancouver to Auckland takes 3 days. Gah! Timeyness! Regardless, as of the 2nd of December I will be leaving the UK and returning to the glorious homeland of NZ, just in time for an old mates wedding. Oh, and this year I get two summers. Winning.

Final Lorien Trust event for me was a bit of a mixed bag. I had some absolutely epic moments of camaraderie and shenanigans with the Legion crew. However there was some shitty weather and some douches who don't know how to play nicely with others that put a damper on things. I am definitely going to miss the Legion crew.

Starting my exit procedures early which means sorting out my life and liquidating my assets. I have so much crap it is not funny. Considering I arrived in the country with a single backpack I have picked up a lot of junk over 4 years.Some of it will be shipped home but I imagine I will be selling off the rest.

School term starts next week, so hopefully there will soon be some work for me, as my funds are once again reaching a depressingly low point. Good thing I should be getting a small pile of money out of selling my car, the flat bond, and a tax refund.