Sunday 9 November 2008

Week 17 – This is an illegal gathering

Well, the platoon is back together again, yay... Don’t get me wrong, I like most of the guys here, especially my section, but there are a few who ruin it and with the platoon come all the rules and bullshit we had been without. Once the others had sorted their lives out we took over as QRF (Quick reaction force) and got into some riot training. This was old hat for 2 section as we had done a lot before our demo for the duke, so we got back into the groove of things pretty quick. We also discovered that it is not as tiring and difficult now we are used to the climate here, although it still gets the clothes soaked in sweat wearing all the armour and gear. It being a Sunday we are on rest today, however I am on watch duty again, because our section lucked out with the timings, oh well, it’s only half a day anyway, and it is not like there was much else I would be doing when I can go on the net and watch movies at the sentry point anyway. Hooray for two weeks left!

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