Wednesday 22 October 2008

Week 14 – I’m getting paid for this? Part 2

We arrived at Avu avu the night before the rest of the platoon got in from a three day patrol. In this time we discovered that there was a long drop for a toilet, a tap in a field for a shower, tents for accommodation and rat packs for meals. Understandably we were a little put out. However as soon as the platoon got in things got better. It was so good to be back with the brothers. We spent the rest of the week doing little bits of work in the morning, followed by touch and a swim in the afternoon with a movie after dinner. Almost like a damn holiday camp. We were also doing overnight patrols to local villages, however unfortunately I came down with some crippling bug hours before I was due to leave. I hated having to watch the boys go off without me. Luckily it was only an overnight thing and after throwing up I felt much better. At least I did until I was told that they were splitting up the sections again for a four day patrol. I can’t speak for the other sections but when they do that to us it is like splitting up a family. Always a bad idea.

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